
Dec 11, 2020
so, you want to apply for fulbright?
Are considering to apply for a Fulbright award? As a fellow Fulbright applicant, let me help you with the process! It can be quite a...

Nov 30, 2020
november 2020 tunes~
This month was weird when it came to building this playlist. I had a struggle when it came to finding new music... I felt like the...

Nov 30, 2020
november 2020 pics
Hey there! I am really excited to announce a start of a new monthly series on this blog. Not only am I going to have my monthly music...

Nov 5, 2020
october 2020 tunes~
I've been slacking on my blog ... But I had this song stuck in my head and I felt like it was fitting to start typing up my October music...

Oct 20, 2020
tennessee mushrooms
My first experience exploring American mountains became my first experience becoming a mushroom photographer. From the end of August to...

Oct 11, 2020
september 2020 tunes~
As we are officially entering fall weather, I am finding that my music tastes has also shifted. Last month was very much so a "late night...

Sep 12, 2020
my entry to WSU's student blog
So I was asked by my past employer, Director of English Language Programs at Winona State University, Katie Subra to be an alumni writer...

Sep 7, 2020
august 2020 tunes~
I wanted to share some songs I've been really digging this past month. I think I'm going to start a series about monthly music mixes /...

Sep 7, 2020
live music in korea + COVID-19
So, I recently watched a YouTube video produced by Vice Asia on the effect COVID-19 has had on South Korea's clubs, specifically the...

Aug 23, 2020
So I was bored at work and fell into a rabbit hole where I read all about numerology and I wanted to just write a post describing: 1) my...

Aug 15, 2020
I want to talk about manifestation. I've been having issues recently, especially given light to life as we know it, about keeping an...