
Jul 16, 2021
february 2021 pics (pt. 2)
February 2021, Part 2's photo collection depicts another part of my orientation. For one weekend, Fulbrighters were able to finally...

Jul 10, 2021
february 2021 pics (pt.1)
I've been super inspired to be working on my blog and personal projects again during my week off from work! Omg! I posted two blog posts,...

Jul 1, 2021
january 2021 pics (pt. 2)
Here we are, all photos taken in January after leaving the states! Again, so sorry for the delays in releasing these pictures. It's kind...

Jun 30, 2021
june 2021 tunes~
Summer time in Korea is starting and boy o' boy do we feel it. This is going to be my third summer in Korea and I gotta say, it might be...

Jun 13, 2021
may 2021 tunes~
Holy cow... This is delayed >< Speaking tests have been going on at my school and I've been swamped with work. But also, this means I've...

Apr 30, 2021
april 2021 tunes~
This month has been quite tough. My music playlist has been interesting as well. I was on a roll of finding new songs and vibes at the...

Apr 28, 2021
january 2021 pics (pt. 1)
DISCLAIMER NOTE: I am so, so sorry for how delayed and non-existant my photography posts have been. It's my b, but I've been running...

Mar 31, 2021
march 2021 tunes~
March lowkey flew by. And again, I failed to upload any of my photography >< But, I am glad I at least remain quite loyal to my music...

Feb 26, 2021
february 2021 tunes~
This was such an interesting month of music!! I feel like I am crawling my way back into Korean hip-hop and am LOVING IT!! I feel like my...

Jan 30, 2021
january 2021 tunes ~
Yoooooooo welcome to 2021! The year we were all hoping would change everything. The year we wished for all of 2020. But also, the year...

Jan 21, 2021
my journey to korea jan '21
Hello~ I am writing to you all from my quarantine room at Korea University's Sejong Campus! I have officially made it to South Korea! I...

Jan 14, 2021
i'm finally leaving the us
So, I am here to just write down some thoughts as this week is both my departure to Korea and a new chapter in my life. It's finally here...

Jan 4, 2021
december 2020 pics
Another month, another collection of photos. Wow, this was such an interesting month! We finally got frost forming in the morning, winter...

Dec 31, 2020
top 2020 tunes~
I know I do monthly music blogs about new finds and monthly vibes, but I felt so compelled to share, as it's own post, the music I've...

Dec 28, 2020
december 2020 tunes~
The last monthly music mixtape of 2020 is here! Wow, what a year, huh? I am so glad I was able to make about a quarter of a year's worth...