
Jan 30, 2021
january 2021 tunes ~
Yoooooooo welcome to 2021! The year we were all hoping would change everything. The year we wished for all of 2020. But also, the year...

Jan 21, 2021
my journey to korea jan '21
Hello~ I am writing to you all from my quarantine room at Korea University's Sejong Campus! I have officially made it to South Korea! I...

Jan 14, 2021
i'm finally leaving the us
So, I am here to just write down some thoughts as this week is both my departure to Korea and a new chapter in my life. It's finally here...

Jan 4, 2021
december 2020 pics
Another month, another collection of photos. Wow, this was such an interesting month! We finally got frost forming in the morning, winter...