
Jul 23, 2021
march 2021 pics (pt. 1)
This month, I decided to compile my photos differently than before! I am feeling the b/w editing a lot and really wanted to have this...

Jul 20, 2021
february 2021 pics (pt. 3)
Welcome to ê´‘ì–‘! I have officially finished Fulbright's Orientation and moved to my host city! Located in Jeollanam-do Province, Gwangyang...

Jul 16, 2021
february 2021 pics (pt. 2)
February 2021, Part 2's photo collection depicts another part of my orientation. For one weekend, Fulbrighters were able to finally...

Jul 10, 2021
february 2021 pics (pt.1)
I've been super inspired to be working on my blog and personal projects again during my week off from work! Omg! I posted two blog posts,...

Jul 1, 2021
january 2021 pics (pt. 2)
Here we are, all photos taken in January after leaving the states! Again, so sorry for the delays in releasing these pictures. It's kind...