I want to talk about manifestation. I've been having issues recently, especially given light to life as we know it, about keeping an upbeat attitude and being content in my current lifestyle.

I've been finding that I've been getting restless, upset easily with working so much, not being able to see friends and overall, being done with university with a terribly uneventful end. I thrived being an undergrad student and I found myself really enjoying life making memories. I threw myself at obligations as a student while trying desperately to do unforgettable things with as many people as possible. I was lucky to complete my semester studying abroad, but damn - having my last semester in university screwed up by COVID-19 really threw me in a hole.
Imagine literally never being able to be alone to suddenly forced into quarantine. If both of my roommates left to their home country when the virus took off, I don't even know what I would've done. My life and my experiences from March-May would've been more 'rocky' than I could've imagined (honestly only those who know would get that dumb joke I threw in there).
I think I developed a drinking problem during this time. Not funny haha, quarantine got me like XP type of drinking problem, but a legitimate "I'm drinking because I'm sad and bored" every other night problem. I knew this was bad but I felt like I didn’t care enough to change. I think I’ll go into this in a different post because that’s a whole other can of worms…
anyways, manifestation.
“anything that you dream and desire to manifest in your life will always manifest when your soul is in alignment with allowing it into your reality”
I’ve been trying to practice this recently to get me out of my own little pity party. I wanted to find happiness in my current situation. If you also are finding it hard to feel happy recently, maybe this will help.
I’ve been trying to manifest happy thoughts to feed my restless craving for something more. This is a temporary fix because I know I can’t just think happy thoughts and whoosh – my sad ones are gone. This is for *now* where things are what they are and it’s out of our control.
“decide what you want. once you make the decision, all the ideas, the people, and the resources that you need will come.” - ashley gordon
My manifestation started with something simple – what makes me happy? I am not truly a one for list making - only for to-do lists to get stuff done – but this gave me actual results. I popped out my journal after it collected dust for months and I just made a list of things that give me euphoric feelings.
It went something like this:
1) Sitting in artsy coffee shops pretending to do homework that isn’t even do for a while listening to music that lets me vibe.
2) Sitting in a hammock in the woods overlooking a beautiful view. It’s autumn and the trees are turning and the mosquitoes are dying and I have a hot drink with a blanket.
3) Out on a horse riding in the wild, twisting and turning while adventuring into the unknown. The sun is warm and there comes a stream… We get to see and experience Mother Nature in its most untouched and perfect sense.
See?? These things gave me the warmest, fuzziest feelings that literally exist only in dreamland. For one, I couldn’t be happier if all mosquitoes and other terrible bugs would cease to exist without any harm to the world’s ecosystems. Another thing, being able to be outside and adventure without worry is *so* not accessible for me right now given my work schedule. Instead, these are manifestations of happy thoughts that allow me into a sense of escapism in my internal world.
closing thoughts
When things get rough, just crawl into a warm bed with dim lights, listen to chill music and try documenting down your own “happy thoughts.”