
So I was bored at work and fell into a rabbit hole where I read all about numerology and I wanted to just write a post describing: 1) my whole reading and 2) giving you all links to finding your whole numerology chart!
*Note: all the information below are directly pulled from . I do not take any credit for the information below and am just sharing information gathered from the source. *
"you attract the right things when you have a sense of who you are" - amy poehler
In Numerology, there are five core numbers: life path number, expression number, soul urge number, personality number birthday number. I will be going into depth with the first three.
The Life Path Number is the most significant number in your Numerology chart.
It contains clear, accurate and dependable information on what your life’s journey will actually look like. It describes the direction your life will take, the challenges you’ll encounter, and the opportunities you’ll meet. It can also reveal many of the innate traits and talents that you were born with, some of which you might not even know you possess!
Your Life Path Number can reveal a great deal about who you are and who you’ll become in this life and can give you insights into:
your personality
your communication style
your life purpose
your ideal career path
your relationship style and compatibility
your personal strengths and weaknesses
the challenges you’ll face in life
The Expression or Destiny Number is one of the core numbers in your personal numerology chart. Calculating it, and uncovering its meaning will reveal a great deal of information about your natural talents, abilities, and potentials in this lifetime.
Whilst your Life Path Number (which comes from your birth date) describes the direction of your journey through life, the Expression Number centers on what you, uniquely, have to offer to the world.
Within the art of Numerology, this is the number that contains information about your inherent gifts, talents, and skills. But also about your personal shortcomings and the potential challenges you may face. Because of this, it offers valuable insights into the areas of your personality that, with work and development, could become your greatest strengths. As such, the Destiny Number is often said to be the blueprint of your potential.
Once decoded, this number forms a highly potent portrait of your inherited personal history, up to the moment of your birth. After this point, it is your choice how your story continues.
Often referred to as the Heart’s Desire, or Soul Number, this core element of your personal numerology chart peels back the layers of your Numerology chart.
Whilst your Life Path Number gives meaning to the direction of your journey through life, and your Destiny Number reveals your gifts, talents, and unique offerings to the world, the Soul Urge Number is what unlocks the deeper you. The eternal, spiritual you. The you which is so often hidden from the outside world.
Deciphering this hidden, personal code reveals your core desires, your inner cravings and urges. It shows up your passions and your fears and what motivates you on a deep, spiritual level. The Soul Urge, quite simply, reveals the guiding force behind what your Soul came here to experience in this lifetime.
Once this number is uncovered, for many people, life begins to make sense. Depression and anxiety often lift, as the stirrings of the Soul can be finally recognized, nurtured, and given the fuel that it needs, to thrive and find meaning in the world.
"numbers are the highest degree of knowledge. it is knowledge itself." - plato
Now that was a bunch of information thrown at you, but it will all make more sense if you are able to get your own reading and learn about each number and how it applies to you!
"i love the idea of numerology, but i don't really believe in it. but i like thinking about what numbers convey" -aimee bender
I highly agree with the quote because who am I to say that numerology, something I just stumbled upon on accident, is something to completely give 100% of my trust in. I like exploring different options and ways to understand myself, my purpose, and perspective, so that's why I am sharing numerology.
What I will include now below is my very own personal reading with *full* descriptions. If you really don't care about my numerology numbers, then you may move on with your day! It's honestly mostly for me to document my place in numerology.

Your Life Path 9 needs you to heal the world through embodied wisdom.
Life Path 9's are often old souls who can see the bigger picture, and are destined to travel a humanitarian path – they want to heal the world, and can see how to do it.
These sophisticated individuals are selfless and patient, trustworthy and honorable from the beginning to the end of their lives, so these folk make great environmentalists, teachers, artists, priests and healers.
Nines have a very stable and grounding air and have so much wisdom to impart that they can sometimes come across as condescending or even very controlling. So it is vital for those living through this number to live as a shining example – to practice what they preach, and also to know when to let people make their own mistakes.
Number 9's can also be particularly idealistic, so they must learn to surrender some of this, lest they become disillusioned and upset when life and people don’t live up to their high expectations.
If you were born into this numbers vibration, you’re on a personal journey to embody the wisdom you have gathered over many lifetimes walking this Earth. Your highest path will ask you to surrender everything that doesn’t fuel your vision of the New Earth.
In Numerology, the Number 9 represents the completion of the cycles of life, and the wisdom that they bring.
As a person, you are an old soul and probably somebody that other people regard as protective and safe. You are a strong, stable and spiritual human being and carry an air of experience (even when you’re actually a complete novice at something!) This number is full of self-confidence, offering insights, advice, and guidance; and you seem to intuitively see the best next step for people to take, to reach their own next level of success. You see everybody with compassion, clearly perceiving their highest possible version – and you want them all to reach it!
You’re an idealist and see the potential before the actual… this is an incredibly positive trait and means you’re likely to be a motivating force within your communities! But at the same time, you have the practical know-how to make actual positive change. This is the work that gives your life meaning – with compassion and self-sacrifice, you, Number 9, want nothing more than to save the world.
Nines have a strong sense of justice and responsibility and a deep desire to do good in the world. You also seem to have an uncanny knack of always being in the right place at the right time, to manifest the most magical upgrades for the people around you! In fact, this number has a highly spiritual thread that runs right through it – nines are often most concerned with people, art and creativity over money, wealth and materialism, unlike some of the other numbers.
In Numerology, it’s recognized that Nines are unique in that they contain the wisdom of all other numbers combined. You have many talents and skills and a broad perspective which means you make an excellent teacher, mentor or guide. But it’s vital for you, Number 9, to learn to lead by example. People will cease looking up to you if your way is simply “Do as I say, but not as I do”. You must embody your wisdom.
Because this number closes the numerological cycle (Master Numbers not included!) 9's can often face many endings and closure in their own lives, but also struggle with them. Perhaps you are working through karmic relationship (common for Life Path 9's) and need to let go of behavior patterns that are keeping you locked inside relational cycles? Or perhaps you are a hoarder, and need to face piles of belongings that you cannot let go of!
Nines can be sentimental and feel afraid to let go of the past, but also act as bridges to a brand new future.
This gives them a pivotal role as we are all moving through the current paradigm shift, and into the New Earth. Their work in the world is SO vital, so if you are a Life Path 9, you must push through your resistance and allow yourself to rise up!
Overall, the Number 9 is socially generous and altruistic. These folk want the best for humanity and will do all they can to radically improve life for us all!
The Life Path 9 can be as restrictive as it is expansive.
You are naturally generous and wish the world for everyone you meet! Because of your almost supernatural ability to sense what others most need to do with their lives, you can fall into the trap of giving unsolicited advice. And whilst you do this only with the best intentions, Number 9, you can step on tender toes. You must hone your senses and learn to offer guidance only when it’s requested and let people – however much it pains you – make their own mistakes.
On the other hand, your generous nature risks being taken advantage of. Unselfish and highly hospitable, you would gladly give away the shirt off your own back. But there are takers in this world, and you serve no one by perpetuating this unhealthy behavior. You must learn when to say “no” Number 9!
There are times when your innate idealism can turn to despair. You have SUCH high hopes for the world, and believe them all possible. But you also feel deeply, so when they either fail to materialize, or people let you down you can get so disheartened, and the sorry, negative side of this number emerges. Because of this, you must learn when your rose-tinted spectacles are serving you, and when to put them back in your pocket!
Relationships with you, Number 9, are usually generous, loving and compassionate.
The uniqueness of the 9 means you have something in common with all other numbers, so it will be other factors that assert your compatibility.
You are generous and easy-going, making most relationships a breeze! You are committed and honest, but at times it’s likely your attention will be taken up with all of the other endeavors you give your precious time to. So the partner you commit to long-term will likely have to understand the many directions you find yourself pulled in, and give you the freedom you need. Likewise, you may have to learn to devote enough time and energy to that one special person, despite the myriad of altruistic and social responsibilities you hold!
You express yourself best through the arts. Your gifts may be writing, speaking, singing, acting, teaching or litigating; selling, designing or even composing music.
Although you may not realize it, one of your true gifts is your natural ability to uplift and inspire others with your words and ideas. If you can find the ideal channel for your unique voice, it is likely that your true purpose will emerge creatively, and happiness and fulfillment will be found.
Professionally, fame often lies in the potential future of the Destiny Number 3, so it is imperative that your surroundings are stable and nurturing, so that your talents are allowed to flourish.
NOT to be confused with the Life Path Number, the Destiny Number (also known as Expression Number) is one of the core components in your numerology chart.
This Number holds a powerful frequency, which reveals the way you “express” your gifts and talents in the world. So whilst the Life Path Number describes the direction of your journey through life (AKA your life purpose) the Destiny Number tells you what the journey is going to look like.
In Numerology, the Destiny or Expression Number 3 is all about creativity. The energy of the number 3 needs avenues for self-expression the way the rest of us needs fresh air! So whenever it appears in a Numerology chart, you can be sure that the person it describes is an artist, crafter, performer or creator of some kind.
People with a Destiny Number 3 have naturally uplifting personalities.
Their unique perception of the world inspires others greatly, so they’re often popular, and surrounded by a swarm of adoring fans! (Sure, not all folks with this Destiny Number will end up on stage, but they will all enjoy being the center of attention at various points in their lives!)
Perhaps it’s their eccentricity we love? Or their oozing self-confidence? Or maybe it’s because they know how to make everyone feel like they’re the only other person in the room? Who knows… what we do know, is that this Destiny Number is magnetic!
This Destiny Number also expresses humor and the lighter side of life!
These folks are often very funny. They don’t get stuck in a bad mood for long, and won’t let the rest of us stay brooding in one for long either. They’re skilled at elevating others, often by simply being their own cheery selves.
It goes without saying that 3 Expression Numbers perform best when they have an audience to entertain. But this doesn’t necessarily mean they need to be “performers”. Working in marketing and sales could be a great fit, as could any position where communication (both written or spoken) is required.
The creative industries can ideal places for those with this Expression Number to thrive: Theatre, film or music, and even journalism could be ideal, depending on the rest of the Numerology chart.
When not expressing at their highest, the Destiny Number 3 can be fake, and people-pleasing. Their need for recognition means that these creative people may actually lose touch with their own inner truth, instead “performing” for the crowd. Yet inauthentic creativity can be a death-knell for this Destiny Number.
The breadth of creative talents that the Destiny Number 3 can turn their hand to means that they may struggle with sticking power. Flitting from talent to talent, yet never fully developing a single one, means they may fail to really succeed in life. For this reason, developing discipline early on in life will really serve them.
Your Soul Urge is to be the driving force in life.
You have a deep belief that what you feel, say and do has great value in the world (and you’re right).
You desire to be heard, and for others to follow your lead. You trust your own instincts, often above the views and perspectives of others, and have the makings of a great leader and a pioneer for change.
You may have issues with authority throughout your life, not least because your self-assuredness often means that others look to you for guidance and direction, regardless of the position you take.
You are committed and loyal, however, your dominant nature means others are easily silenced in your presence, and you may not even notice the hurt feelings of those you leave in your wake. You must be careful that your confidence isn’t confused with arrogance, and your desire for progress doesn’t create needless competition.
Whilst you’ll never be fulfilled unless in a position of authority or power, try to make friends on the way up. You never know when you may need some loyalty in return.
Sometimes referred to as the Heart’s Desire, Soul’s Desire or Desire Number, the Soul Urge Number contains powerful insight into your deepest desires and spiritual motivating forces.
Whilst your Life Path Number describes the direction of your journey through life, and your Destiny, or Expression Number reveals your gifts, talents, personality, and unique offerings to the world, the Soul Urge describes your essence.
You have an overriding need to become #1 at everything you do in your life.
When you look deep into your core, you have an underlying and pressing need to be independent, exert your individuality, and take the lead in whatever you set your mind to.
You yearn to be the best at everything you do. You are likely competitive and enjoy pitting yourself against others – what better way to test your limits than to test them against someone elses? You may have perfectionist tendencies, expecting very high standards of performance from yourself and, in turn, also from others.
At heart, you have courage and fight. You are willing to go places other people fear and because of this confidence, others trust you and look up to you as a leader. Coupled with a charismatic personality, you have the potential to really break new ground.
Your task is to develop your true, authentic self, and lead from this place (rather than ruling with an iron fist!) You must learn to develop your courage and to act independently.
You have amazing insights and are a highly creative and innovative person. Underneath it all, you want to be the trailblazer, the pioneer, the original thinker – the one who pushes the envelope. And you can be!
A Soul Urge Number 1 sets you up for the development of your sense of self and your willpower.
Your journey through life is all about working hard… and playing hard.
Some of your internal struggles might include battles with low self-esteem or a lack of self-confidence.
You may feel emotionally weak, at times, or as though you don’t have the strength or ability for authentic self-expression, yet moving through this block is a must if you are to achieve your potential.
You need to actually demonstrate your originality and leadership. The 1 Soul Urge number demands that you evolve from feeling dependent to a place of independence. SO keep pushing your edges of what you think you’re capable of. Trust how intuitive you are and lead from the heart. This is your true compass.
Beware of defaulting into defeat and staying there. That’s when you resort to self-absorption, cynicism, bullying, and battles with addiction. Your biggest lesson in life is around being knocked down, yet getting straight back up and carrying on. Deep down, you have the tenacious
You ARE meant to march to the beat of your own weird and innovative drum!
Your compatibility in relationships depends very much on how you are fulfilling the yearnings of your Soul Urge Number in other areas of your life.
You like to take the lead in love, and feel like you are in control. Yet your independent streak means you also need enough freedom to go your own way when the need arises! We’re not talking open relationships, just a long enough leash so that you don’t feel trapped!
Your innate yearning for growth and achievement means that you likely need a partner who is as willing as you are, to evolve (in life and in love). For you, relationships need to be exciting!
You may find that you experience many different relationship dynamics throughout your life. The Soul Urge Number of each partner you meet will teach you a lot about yourself, so ensure that you regard each relationship as a teacher.
The numbers you have the highest compatibility are the 4, 8 and the 9.
The numbers you have least compatibility with (though the ones where you have most to learn) are the 6 and 7.
Personality Number: 2
Your Personality Number reveals what your friends, or even strangers, think about you. It illuminates the dominant traits or personality characteristics that influence the way you are perceived by others.
You likely prefer group activities to working alone, and are very approachable to others...
Birthday Number: 4
Your Birthday Number explains the nature of your existence, including how you handle opportunities and challenges. It is also known as the “Psychic” or “Ruling” Number because it somewhat predicts the events that will unfold in your life.
You are extremely loyal, responsible, and organized. These traits will serve you quite well throughout your life...