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january 2021 pics (pt. 1)


I am so, so sorry for how delayed and non-existant my photography posts have been. It's my b, but I've been running around like a psycho. Regardless, it's been a multi-month project to try and get my ever-growing photo collection slimmed down and organized. Everything typed up in this post was written back in February 2021, back before I knew that it would be another two months before this blog post would be posted >< I hope to clean up my act more and get more of my photos posted!!!

If you *reallyyyyy* don't want to wait for my Korea pictures, I did make an official photography Instagram page that has started with my flight to Korea! It literally depicts my photo journey after this blog post's series! To see them, follow @thru_fuji on Instagram!

Oh boy did I have fun with this month photography wise! We finally get pictures of Korea entering in the SD card! Unfortunately, my orientation for Fulbright was so, so busy and I have really been slacking on organizing my photography to post on this blog. For this reason, I am only posting my US photos in this blog post. I *swear* I will post the rest of the month later on!!

Anyways, I took so many photo walks during my last week in the US because 1) there was absolutely nothing else I could do with my travel prep to do and 2) all the driving around Wisconsin I've done to try and get a COVID-19 PCR test done within my 72 hour window. Because of all these drives, I found some pretty interesting things while out and about by myself.

Wisconsin turned into a winter wonderland and I was diggin' it! Got final pictures of my family and Wisconsin life before starting voyage through Fulbright Korea~ If you're interested on what that journey looked like, click here!

As an apology for being so bad at posting my photos for January (and also February .... sorry ><), I decided to made a video depicting my last week or so in the United states. I hope you enjoy this month's picture collection US edition and bonus video!

january 2021's pics:

Fujifilm X-T10: I bought my own Fuji camera! Not only did I continue using the same three lenses as last month, but I've been able to add test out my friend's autofocus lens too!

Huji Film App: Once more, this app acts like a retro film camera. I only have control over having the flash go off or not, and the rest is decided by the application itself.
Google Photos Animations: A fun dynamic touch to my blog :) All were randomly made my Google photos~!

Equipment Used:

Fujifilm X-T10 Camera

Canon FD f/1.8 50mm Lens

Canon FD f/2.8 25mm Lens

Osawa MC f/4.5 80-205mm Macro Lens

Tamron-F Teleconverter 2X C MC4

iPhone 11

Temporary Equipment: Fujifilm 35mm f/2 XF

Bonus Video:

The following statements, thoughts and information presented are my own and do not represent the U.S. Department of State or its Fulbright Program.



thanks for reading!

I'm Nina, the girl who wrote this blog post!


it might be fun ><

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