january 2021 pics (pt. 1)
I am so, so sorry for how delayed and non-existant my photography posts have been. It's my b, but I've been running around like a psycho. Regardless, it's been a multi-month project to try and get my ever-growing photo collection slimmed down and organized. Everything typed up in this post was written back in February 2021, back before I knew that it would be another two months before this blog post would be posted >< I hope to clean up my act more and get more of my photos posted!!!
If you *reallyyyyy* don't want to wait for my Korea pictures, I did make an official photography Instagram page that has started with my flight to Korea! It literally depicts my photo journey after this blog post's series! To see them, follow @thru_fuji on Instagram!
Oh boy did I have fun with this month photography wise! We finally get pictures of Korea entering in the SD card! Unfortunately, my orientation for Fulbright was so, so busy and I have really been slacking on organizing my photography to post on this blog. For this reason, I am only posting my US photos in this blog post. I *swear* I will post the rest of the month later on!!
Anyways, I took so many photo walks during my last week in the US because 1) there was absolutely nothing else I could do with my travel prep to do and 2) all the driving around Wisconsin I've done to try and get a COVID-19 PCR test done within my 72 hour window. Because of all these drives, I found some pretty interesting things while out and about by myself.
Wisconsin turned into a winter wonderland and I was diggin' it! Got final pictures of my family and Wisconsin life before starting voyage through Fulbright Korea~ If you're interested on what that journey looked like, click here!
As an apology for being so bad at posting my photos for January (and also February .... sorry ><), I decided to made a video depicting my last week or so in the United states. I hope you enjoy this month's picture collection US edition and bonus video!
january 2021's pics:
Fujifilm X-T10: I bought my own Fuji camera! Not only did I continue using the same three lenses as last month, but I've been able to add test out my friend's autofocus lens too!

Huji Film App: Once more, this app acts like a retro film camera. I only have control over having the flash go off or not, and the rest is decided by the application itself.

Google Photos Animations: A fun dynamic touch to my blog :) All were randomly made my Google photos~!

Equipment Used:
Fujifilm X-T10 Camera
Canon FD f/1.8 50mm Lens
Canon FD f/2.8 25mm Lens
Osawa MC f/4.5 80-205mm Macro Lens
Tamron-F Teleconverter 2X C MC4
iPhone 11
Temporary Equipment: Fujifilm 35mm f/2 XF
Bonus Video:
The following statements, thoughts and information presented are my own and do not represent the U.S. Department of State or its Fulbright Program.