february 2021 pics (pt. 2)
February 2021, Part 2's photo collection depicts another part of my orientation. For one weekend, Fulbrighters were able to finally escape 조치원 through a directly supervised and scheduled trip to Seoul for 설날 (Lunar New Year). It was exciting to finally return back to Seoul, but the strict schedule made it hard to feel like "I am back." Nevertheless, we had some interesting activities on our itinerary!
We had our first stop at the Independence Hall of Korea (독립기념관) in 천안, before moving to our stay in the Shilla Hotel in 마포구, 서울. Afterwards, we had to break up into smaller groups and even smaller travel teams to try and comply to the metropolitan city's corona guidelines. That being said, we had online meetings and in-house Fulbright sessions with cultural outings in between. From bank account set-ups, teaching English workshops, contract readings, and exploring a designated part of the city, we were thoroughly busy during our holiday weekend. We had one last stop at the Korean Folk Village (한국민속촌) in 수원 before returning to 고려대학교 세종캠퍼스.
Because the weekend trip was so fast paced, I made the decision not to bring my camera ... making this photo series the first I've compiled that was taken completely through my phone! It's quite exciting to be limited to just my phone again, and I found myself really wanting to edit my pictures in black and white photos more. I hope you really enjoy my 설날 trip!
Bonus video~!
Here's a bonus video that I made and uploaded after the fact! It's a video about my 설날 trip~! I hope you can enjoy it ^^
february '21 part 2 pics ~
iPhone 11
~ 창덕궁, 서울 (Changdeok Palace, Seoul) ~

~ 북촌한옥마을, 서울 (Bukcheon Hanok Village, Seoul) ~

~ Shilla Hotel, 마포구, 서울 ~

~ 한국민속촌, 수원 (Korean Folk Village, Suwon) ~

~ and the same few photos before but in color because I feel like b/w only does not do it justice ~

Huji App
~ 독립기념관, 천안 (Independence Hall of Korea, Cheonan) ~

~ 마포구, 서울 (Mapo-gu, Seoul) ~

~ 창덕궁, 서울 (Changdeok Palace, Seoul) ~

~ 북천한억마을, 서울 (Bukcheon Hanok Village, Seoul) ~

~ leaving Seoul ~

~ 한국민속촌, 수원 (Korean Folk Village, Suwon) ~

Google Photos Animations

Equipment Used:
iPhone 11
Bonus video:
Photography Instagram:
The following statements, thoughts and information presented are my own and do not represent the U.S. Department of State or its Fulbright Program.