june 2021 tunes~
Summer time in Korea is starting and boy o' boy do we feel it. This is going to be my third summer in Korea and I gotta say, it might be the hardest. The heat and humidity is hell, but paired with wearing a KF94 mask all the time with COVID-19 makes it soooooo so hard.
I've been listening to music... but not as much. This playlist is not as long as most, but has an interesting vibe. As I am writing this, I am adding more songs to it~ Mostly late night moody music, but there's some different moods in here for sure.
YANGHONGWON released a really good playlist that I am really enjoying. It's a good late night album to listen through. There were other album releases this month by WOODIEGOCHILD and Bloo, but I guess they didn't make it on the playlist. Oopsie! Haha but check out their stuff too~
Enjoy the playlist! (P.S. click the playlist name to be taken to the Youtube Music playlist~!)

Polite Company by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Against Me by Why?
One Last Thing by Mac Miller
ROB by Uneducated Kid
Cereal by wonstein
When I Was Done Dying by Dan Deacon
Freakin' Out On the Interstate by Briston Maroney
Thread(1.11) (실) by YANGHONGWON
Kangaroo by wonstein
DHL by Frank Ocean
flight by E SENS
northbutsouth by giriboy
Let It Happen by Tame Impala