
Jul 10, 2021
february 2021 pics (pt.1)
I've been super inspired to be working on my blog and personal projects again during my week off from work! Omg! I posted two blog posts,...

Jul 1, 2021
january 2021 pics (pt. 2)
Here we are, all photos taken in January after leaving the states! Again, so sorry for the delays in releasing these pictures. It's kind...

Jan 21, 2021
my journey to korea jan '21
Hello~ I am writing to you all from my quarantine room at Korea University's Sejong Campus! I have officially made it to South Korea! I...

Dec 11, 2020
so, you want to apply for fulbright?
Are considering to apply for a Fulbright award? As a fellow Fulbright applicant, let me help you with the process! It can be quite a...

Sep 12, 2020
my entry to WSU's student blog
So I was asked by my past employer, Director of English Language Programs at Winona State University, Katie Subra to be an alumni writer...

Sep 7, 2020
live music in korea + COVID-19
So, I recently watched a YouTube video produced by Vice Asia on the effect COVID-19 has had on South Korea's clubs, specifically the...