june 2023 tunes~
This month, we started with an awesome walk with Sammi, Winnie and Melo around the nature park by Sammi's apartment. The trail is super pretty, especially during the sunrise as per Sammi. I joined my girlies (Mom, Aunt, Grandma, and cousins) in Lake Geneva for a Mother's Day / Children's Day / Birthday celebration that following weekend, and we did a boat tour, ate good food at Oak Fire, and went shopping. It was so nice to drive only an hour to see all my favorite family members! Sammi and I attempted to eat food at the Café Hollander by my house with the dogs... but honestly it's much better without them lmfao.
I decided to try out the volleyball league with my coworkers, but found that I still felt kind of isolated from them... so I decided to bring Melo whenever I want to the Bradford Beach area on my own time! That is, once he healed from getting neutered! He was Mr. Donut/Cone-head for 10 or so days, but it didn't stop us from going to the Art 64 event in the Tosa Village. It would be super cool to enter that event one day.
Sammi told me the most amazing thing that helped me to start coming out of my shell - I have to start doing MILF things rather than have my puppy run my life! It resonated so hard, and so I started living by it! Something clicked in that damn dog's brain when I finally cried out of frustration after he peed on my bed and he's suddenly stopped going to the bathroom in his crate and handled himself well. He did get really sick after eating some bird corpse at the dog park, but we did a cute picnic day at Hoyt Park! Mama skipped on a date and chose to go with her baby to eat strawberries and drink blueberry beer while sunbathing nearby the pool! We also did an early morning hike by Sammi and ran into her 2 hours later!
This month I had a day off for June-teenth and decided to join some coworkers with a 21 mile hike around Lake Geneva. The first 10 miles or so were awesome, but after lunch ... I found myself fading away at the 75% done mark. My feet just hurt SO BAD, but Melo kept me going with the group! Now I can say I have done the whole lake! I was super sore for days after, but hung out with my work bestie Jim for late afternoon wine and Ristorante Bartolotta dal 1993. Let's just say, $140 later I was shook with how expensive normal Italian food was... At least I can say I have tried them!
June also means noc świętojańska! We dressed up all in white and ate/drank at Ciocia Darusia's for her birthday / summer solstice! I personally had a wild afternoon because I left and made it all the way to Lake Geneva before thinking to myself, "Did I turn off my hair tool?" ... prompting me to double back just to validate that I did in fact un-plug it from the wall. It was fucked up man. But I came back and saw the bike races in the Tosa Village with my neighbors and Sammi!
I finished the month by starting Tuesday movie nights again with Sammi, trying to stay alive with the bad air quality that came into Milwaukee from Canada's wildfires, and preparing for my summer break from work!
Enjoy this month's background soundtrack while all this crazy went underway~!

Infrared Camera by Wonstein
News by Wonstein Prod. PEEJAY
Her Vacation by Goth Babe
Where Are We Now? by Mild Orange
Cereal by Wonstein
Apocalypse by Wonstein Prod. PEEJAY
One Week by Barenaked Ladies
The Weakness in Me by Joan Armatrading
Just Like This by Loco feat. george
A day in the water by Christine and the Queens
Table For Glasses by Machester Orchestra
Always Awake by Beenzino
Compensating by Aminé feat. Yung Thug
A Bank Robber's Nursery Rhyme by Goodnight & Texas
Next Level Charli by Charli XCX
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