december 2022 tunes~
Wow! What is there else to say other than, thank god for 2022 being over?! Year of the tiger kicked my butt and I can't wait for the last months of it to fly by. I feel like this year was so jam packed and full of THINGS and EMOTIONS (not all bad thank god).
This month consisted of last minute Christmas shopping, gift exchanges between close friends, packing and saying goodbye to my first apartment in Milwaukee area, and saying hello to being back in a place all by ... myself. I know I should be more excited to say that, but it's not an exciting transition as the last solo-living apartment I had in Gwangyang. I had to say goodbye to living with my best friend and her pup ... a time where I felt like I was living with family. It sucked... I sucked at the transition too... But hey, not every book is a stand alone or the last in its series, and I'm interested to see how our story evolves as this next series in my life starts.
But let's expand on more what else happened this month! I got played by Starbucks for Life, had a lot of crazy AI photos of my face done, crashed a NOT KPMG sponsored bar crawl, had my friend Devin and parents come and help me move things to my new apartment, watched Avatar 2 opening night, got a Scottish hat off of amazon, had a terrible Tinder date, rewatched most of and finished the last season of Game of Thrones (finally), met up with my friend Rich in Boystown, CHI, had a crazy amount of food and wine during Christmas, accidentally lit my hair on fire????, saw my childhood friend Eve for brunch the next day, scored an amazing dining room chair set from Facebook marketplace, and had a New Years Eve dinner and fiasco with Sammi.
How about that for December? Lol
Enjoy this month's soundtrack background while all this crazy went underway~!

The Shark Fighter! by The Aquabats!
See You Again by Tyler, The Creator feat. Kali Uchis
Fall in Love with You. by Montell Fish
Fallin Out of Love With You by Montell Fish
Scary Movies by Sleepy Soul
catch me by JVKE
Room To Breathe by Low Hum
Relax by REZZ
Understand Why by Keys N Krates
Latch by Disclosure feat. Sam Smith
Timebomb Zone by The Prodigy
The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
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