april 2021 pics (pt.2)
As I said in April 2021 pics (pt.1), this month was insane. But, I want to reflect on all the good memories that I was able to document with the Huji app! I took many trips out the the local flower garden between my home and my school, went to 여수 (Yeosu) a few more times on the weekends, been in and out of more 노래방 with friends singing my heart out, and just overall trying to enjoy my life with the people I care about. I was lucky to have a caring boyfriend at the time to experience new things with, as well as amazing connections with coworkers to take a day trip with to an amazing cafe called 모이핀.
We had some April showers raining down on us to let the rest of our spring flowers bloom, but they made my seasonal allergies TOTALLY flare up. I invested in more intense allergy medication to survive lesson planning, cafe hopping, daily walks around my city, and mountain hiking! I really started getting close to my fellow Gwangyang teacher friends Katie and LaTonya, and really owe it to them for being so supportive as the months went on. I was even able to escape to Seoul and finally reunite to see one of my best friends <3 April was very turbulent filled with many lovely memories, so I hope you enjoy part 2 of my April 2021!
april 2021 pics (pt.2)
Huji App

Equipment Used:
iPhone 11
Photography Instagram:
Any past videos:
The following statements, thoughts and information presented are my own and do not represent the U.S. Department of State or its Fulbright Program.